Communication strategies for strengthening the parent-teacher relationships in the primary schools

2021 IJRSE – Volume 10 Issue 14

Available Online:  26 September 2021


Popovska, Nalevska Gorica*
International Slavic University “Gavrilo Radomir” – Bitola, Macedonia (

Popovski, Filip
University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola, Macedonia (

Dimova, Popovska Hristina
University St. Kliment Ohridski – Bitola, Macedonia (


Parent involvement is consistently ranked high among the key components of effective schools, and as a result it is one of the brightest prospects for the future of public education. This study aims at finding out attitudes and opinions of elementary teachers and parents about their cooperation and communication strategies in primary schools in the Republic of North Macedonia. Research questions highlight the relationship between parents and schools, parental support, communication strategies, parental recognition program curriculum and functioning of the partnership between parents and schools. The study used descriptive research method and structured questionnaire for teachers and parents in primary schools. The was research conducted on 371 parents and 50 teachers, showed that parents and teachers are satisfied with their mutual cooperation. Although both believe that the cooperation between the school and the family will improve if different communication strategies are used, the traditional ones are still dominant, one-way communication dominates, and the direct participation of parents and their feedback in the organization and realization of school events and activities is neglected. The ways of communication are primarily aimed at transmitting information to parents, and less common are those that provide an opportunity for active engagement of parents, using their knowledge, skills and experiences as an important resource that can contribute to school openness and building partnership with the school. Furthermore, this study provides recommendation for strengthening the parent-teacher communication and fostering partnerships with parents.

Keywords: communication, strategies, parents, teachers, primary school



Cite this article:
Popovska, N. G., Popovski, F., & Dimova, P. H. (2021). Communication strategies for strengthening the parent-teacher relationships in the primary schools. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 10(14), 123-134.

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