2021 IJRSE – Volume 10 Issue 7
Available Online: 15 June 2021
Nguyen, Thuy Bao Tran*
De La Salle University – Manila, Philippines (bao_nguyen@dlsu.edu.ph; tiensanho@gmail.com)
This study explores the role of Spiritual Well-being [hereafter SWB] in the vocation-perseverance of young sisters of the Congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross of Go Vap [hereafter C-LHC-GV]. The research involved twelve participants, all junior sisters of the C-LHC-GV who are in temporary vows and who fall under the 25-29 age bracket. The research project adopts Fisher’s fourfold model (1998) as methodological construct in ascertaining the influence and impact of SWB on the vocation-perseverance of the junior sisters of C-LHC-GV. Fisher’s quadrant-model is fashioned in the spheres of the personal, the communal, the environmental, and the transcendental. The researcher employs the qualitative instrument in exploring how SWB affects the vocation-perseverance of the participants, and how each component of SWB influences the inner dispositions of the young sisters. Face-to-face interviews with the participants were conducted to gather pertinent data and information. The questionnaire of the study consists of twelve (12) questions. The findings reveal that the overall SWB of the participants is a significant predictor of their vocation-perseverance. In the sphere of the personal, SWB is experienced as peace within the person and as awareness of the inner self; in the domain of the communal, it is felt as the feeling of support of the community; in the province of the environment, it is equated with the sense of oneness with Nature; and in the realm of the transcendent, it is understood as a personal connectedness with God who is the be-all and end-all of religious commitment.
Keywords: spiritual well-being; vocation-perseverance; spirituality; four domains of spirituality; C-LHC-GV (Congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross of Go Vap)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2021.632
Cite this article:
Nguyen, T. B. T. (2021). The impact of spiritual well-being on the vocation-perseverance of the junior sisters of the Congregation of the Lovers of Holy Cross of Go Vap. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 10(7), 89-98. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2021.632
*Corresponding Author