Available Online: 9 November 2020
Quimson, Leonardo O. Jr.*
University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
(loquimson@ust.edu.ph; leonardo_quimson@dlsu.edu.ph)
Modern Technology has its purpose of making lives easier and helping people to connect. In the advent of fast pacing world through technology, the Internet and Social Media became a “need” in this present generation. It affects the way the people live at present, specifically the youth of today. In this current situation and reality, the researcher desires to have an in-depth study on this and try to look into what “social media” is as well as its purpose for us. This paper will also attempt to see the effects of social media on young people. The researcher will try to see the advantages or benefits of using this platform most especially in problem solving, creative and critical thinking skills, as well as easy access to communication to other people. On the other hand, this study will also try to discover the disadvantages or negative effects of social media to the young such as internet addiction, depression, cyberbullying, “sex texting”, and peer pressure. Through a descriptive method and qualitative approach of research, responses will be gathered from the respondent young people or students through an interview. In relation to this, the study will also try to understand and connect the findings or results of the study to the theory on Moral Development by Lawrence Kohlberg, an American psychologist, and James Fowler, an American theologian and professor, in his stages on Faith Maturity and Development as well as some of the social teachings of the Catholic Church which speak about the importance of the role of the parents in the formation of the young people as moral responsibility. To end this study, the researcher will give some recommendations to fellow educators, parents and guardians on how to deal with this reality of “social media” and continue to become values formators of the young people at present.
Keywords: media; Facebook; Internet; moral development; youth
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2020.5912
Cite this article:
Quimson, L. O., Jr. (2020). #LIKEORUNLIKE: A descriptive study on the effects of social media on the moral development of the young people. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 9(7), 45-54. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2020.5912
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