Job matcher: A web application job placement using collaborative filtering recommender system

2020 IJRSE – Volume 9 Issue 2
Special Issue on Educational Studies and Action Researches

Available Online: 13 July 2020


Mendez, Jeanky S.*
Holy Angel University, Angeles City, Philippines (;

Bulanadi, Jehan D.
Holy Angel University, Angeles City, Philippines (;


In today’s electronic era, customized collaborative recommender systems developed for hiring and job matching process generally used to helped users identify and select qualified applicants that meet the requirements needed by any organization. Since finding an appropriate job that best fits the interest and skillsets is quite challenging for the applicants, the researcher developed a web application named “Job Matching” that provides an easy and convenient recommender application. This App is intended CICT department and its industry-partners. The researcher used the V-Model Development Model (V Model) for the system development, the researcher made it conveniently in the development by utilizing the target respondents; demonstrate the application and repetitive testing of the system to the users. The CICT Practicum Coordinator, Human Resource Representative, and CICT OJT students who are the participants and beneficiaries of the study were carefully chosen using purposive sampling. The eight criteria of the International Standard for testing and evaluation for software quality product version 25010 were used to validate the system output of the researcher. As a result, of the post-evaluation survey, the web application found to be efficient and useful as strongly agreed by the respondents.

Keywords: recommender; collaborative; V-Model development; web application



Cite this article:
Mendez, J. S., & Bulanadi, J. D. (2020). Job matcher: A web application job placement using collaborative filtering recommender system. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 9(2), 103-120.

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