A Filipino Evangelical Christian’s (Re)valuation of the Hebrew or Jewish Shabbat as an indigenous teaching-learning model

2021 IJRSE – Volume 10 Issue 2
Special Luminary Issue on Education and Religion

Available Online: 4 December 2020


Grande, Eric Joyce DC.*
University of the Philippines Los Baños, Philippines (edgrande@up.edu.ph)


The last 20 years or so can be characterized by Filipinos’ growing awareness and deepening (re)connection to the Hebrew or Jewish roots of the Christian faith. This is evident, at least, among Evangelicals. Some reconfigured into Messianic churches or congregations. One of their distinctives is the teaching and observance of the Feasts of the Lord or moedim, more commonly known as Jewish Feasts, and these include Shabbat (Sabbath in English). More recently, with the education reform or Kto12 that started in 2016, Judaism is now taught through the subject World Religions and Belief Systems in Senior High School (SHS). Filipino youths are now more exposed not only to Jewish culture but also discourse without necessarily visiting a synagogue. More specifically, (1) I present five versions of the Shabbat seder/siddur or liturgy/prayer book, which were obtained in the Philippines within the last five years. These serve as qualitative data. Further, (2) I explain Shabbat in its Hebrew context through the Modern Hebrew language, hence, visual analysis. Lastly, (3) I elaborate Shabbat as an indigenous pedagogical or teaching-learning model for which textual analysis was done. With a global pandemic due to COVID-19, education has transitioned into modular or online mode at home just like in the Philippines. Shabbat may offer fresh ideas and insights on how “forced” homeschooling can be undertaken or what topics must be emphasized or integrated.

Keywords: Evangelical Christian; Messianic; Shabbat; seder; teaching-learning model


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2020.5728

Cite this article:
Grande, E. J. D. (2021). A Filipino Evangelical Christian’s (Re)valuation of the Hebrew or Jewish Shabbat as an indigenous teaching-learning model. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 10(2), 97-106. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2020.5728

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