Evaluation of the religious education in the catechetical program of the University of Saint Louis

2021 IJRSE – Volume 10 Issue 1
Special IJRSE Luminary Issue

Available Online: 2 December 2020


Temporal, Wilson*
University of Saint Louis, Tuguegarao City, Philippines (wilson_temporal@dlsu.edu.ph)


This study employed mixed methods with thematic analysis of USL’s response and program alignment and through a survey method with complete enumeration and ranking to evaluate the existing trends in the Religious Education in the Catechetical Program of USL such as students’ perceptions of their catechists’ performance and the values imbibed in them. Respondents were student-catechists of USL and the public elementary pupils who received catechesis from them. Results show that pupils claim that they often observe the concepts expected of them to have in catechetical instruction and that they imbibed to a very great extent the values taught them most especially the values of courtesy and compassion. Also, the student-catechists view the Catechetical program to be very efficient with most of them utilizing sacraments, parables, Bible stories, the Ten Commandments, prayers, Christian songs or animation songs, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, Corporal-Spiritual Works of Mercy, and the Theological-Cardinal virtues as their content materials. Relative to the content of the student-catechists’ lessons, most catechists integrate the values of love, Faith and trust, respect and or courtesy. Strikingly, the values they least integrated in their lessons is on obedience. Along methodology, most of the student-catechists employed story-telling as their teaching-learning activity. Student-catechists’ recommendations for the program’s improvement rests upon the formative goals of their being teacher-education students. Religious education in the catechetical program of USL delivered in the public elementary schools adheres to the content and methodology as expected in the program. However, there is a need to reconcile these content and methodology in the light of principles of learning and methods of teaching applied in Religious Education.

Keywords: catechetical program; catechetical instruction; content; values; methodology; religious education


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2020.5723

Cite this article:
Temporal, W. (2021). Evaluation of the religious education in the catechetical program of the University of Saint Louis. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 10(1), 61-73. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2020.5723

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