Available Online: 5 July 2020
Opoku, Ernest*
Beijing Normal University, China (ernest.opoku@ucc.edu.gh)
Sang, Guoyuan
Beijing Normal University, China (guoyuan.sang@bnu.edu.cn)
Liao, Wei
Beijing Normal University, China (liaowei@bnu.edu.cn)
Teacher education programs are increasingly critiqued for their limited relationship to student teachers’ needs and for their limited impact on practice. Many appeals are heard for a radical new and effective pedagogy of teacher education in which theory and practice are linked effectively. Teacher education programs need to bridge the “gap” between coursework and the realities of pre-service fieldwork and in-service teaching. Pre-service teachers need to experience coherence and integration among their courses, and between their coursework and fieldwork. It is more likely that practicing in real classroom settings can play a relatively more important role in helping teachers develop their noticing awareness and skills; certain kinds of their professional identities; and contextually-appropriate classroom management strategies and techniques; and pedagogical content knowledge (PCK).
Keywords: teacher education; pedagogical content knowledge; pre-service teachers; noticing; community of practice; professional identity
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2020.5010
Cite this article:
Opoku, E., Sang, G., & Liao, W. (2020). Examining teacher preparation and on-the-job experience: The gap of theory and practice. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 9(4), 75-85. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2020.5010
*Corresponding Author