A study on the relationship between extroversion-introversion and risk-taking in the context of second language acquisition

2012 IJRSLL – Volume 1 Issue 1


Zafar, Shahila*
School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT University, India (shahela.zafar@gmail.com)

Meenakshi, K.
School of Social Sciences and Languages, VIT University, India (k.meenakshi@vit.ac.in)


Two of the most examined dimensions of personality that have an affective influence on language learning are extroversion-introversion and risk-taking. In the paper we first define and look at the different studies conducted to examine the relationship between the two factors and second language acquisition (SLA). Results show that extroverts seem to take full advantage of language-use opportunities as they tend to be sociable, and are more likely to join groups, more inclined to engage in conversations both inside and outside the classroom. However, results have also concluded that a more introverted personality may be better suited to classroom learning, especially reading and writing skills. Risk takers; who are believed to be inherently extroverts, are more likely to take their existing language system to the limit. Such learners are more likely to change and more resistant to fossilization. Language proficiency is influenced directly by classroom participation which reflects, among other things, the contributing influences of risk-taking.

Keywords: extroversion; introversion; risk taking; second language acquisition; personality


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsll.2012.v1i1.42

*Corresponding Author