Effect of promotional strategies on the sales performance of micro, small and medium enterprises

International Journal of Research Studies in Management
Tourism Educators and Movers of the Philippines Special Issue
2022 Volume 10 Issue 2

Available Online: 31 March 2022


Robledo, Virginia Manalang*
San Miguel Yamamura Packaging Corporation, Philippines (gierobledo@yahoo.com;


It is very important for managers to identify and implement the most effective means to advertise their business and products. This study aimed to determine the effect of promotional strategies, on the sales performance of One Town One Product (OTOP) assisted MSMEs in Region 4A, which will serve as the basis for the continuous improvement of OTOP programs for MSMEs. Gathered data were evaluated using a quantitative-descriptive method among the 306 respondents. Findings revealed that promotional strategies have moderate effects on the sales performance of OTOP assisted MSMEs in Region 4A. Further, there are significant differences on the effect of promotional strategies considering business profile. The researcher recommends for the Department of Trade and Industry to explore the following promotional strategies: a) development of OTOP Logo as a strong quality brand marking of MSME products to grab attention, make strong product impression on quality and authenticity, influence visibility in the big market arena and build positive brand equity; b) combine media (television, radio and print), e-commerce platform and face to face exhibition for maximum product exposure; c) one industry one celebrity endorser for product recall; d) timely and frequent text blasts of all events for awareness; and, e) campaign to appeal to the hearts of every Filipino by highlighting the benefits to the economy and the country of buying OTOP products. Finally, the researcher advised the development and implementation of a comprehensive workshop focusing on the synergy of promotional strategies, selling competencies, and financial management to increase sales performance.

Keywords: promotional strategies, selling competencies, financial management


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsm.2022.23

Cite this article:
Robledo, V. M. (2022). Effect of promotional strategies on the sales performance of micro, small and medium enterprises. International Journal of Research Studies in Management, 10(2), 79-89. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsm.2022.23

*Corresponding Author