Teaching speaking skills at Sudanese schools: Teachers’ perceptions

2017 IJRSLL – Volume 6 Issue 2


Ahmed, Sami Hussein A.*
Majmaah Univeristy, Saudi Arabia (Samihussein40@hotmail.com; komer307@gmail.com)


The study aims at analyzing speaking activities as presented by the textbook, and reviewing teachers’ perceptions towards teaching speaking. To achieve the set aims: textbook analysis (Mc Cready, 1975; Paulston, 1972; Morrow, 1981) criteria were used, and a questionnaire for teachers. The study found that speaking activities presented by the textbook are very few and not the ideal one. Further, teachers’ reacted negatively to the speaking activities in the textbook and less attention has been given to teaching speaking.

Keywords: SPINE; speaking; activities; skills


DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrsll.2016.1362

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