School principals’ collaborative leadership style and relation it to teachers’ self-efficacy

2016 IJRSE – Volume 5 Issue 3


Arbabi, Abdolhamid
Education, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran (

Mehdinezhad, Vali*
Education, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Iran (


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between school principals’ collaborative leadership style and teachers’ self-efficacy. 196 subjects (82 female and 114 male) were selected by using Korjeci and Morgan’s (1970) sample size table. Sampling was stratified and simple. Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy (2002) in term of self-efficacy questionnaire and Washington University Turning Point Collaborative Leadership Questionnaires (2012) was used to gather data. Frequency, mean, standard deviation, correlation and regression were used to analyze data. The findings showed significant correlation between school principals’ collaborative leadership style and teachers’ self-efficacy. There was a significant correlation between other dimensions of collaborative leadership including training environment, clarity, reliance, power sharing and teachers’ self-efficacy. The results also showed reliance has positive and predictable effect on teachers’ self-efficacy, in fact increasing reliance leads to teachers’ self-efficacy increment.

Keywords: collaborative leadership; self-efficacy; teachers; school administration; school leadership



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