The perception of HumSS on the inclusion of Baybayin as National Writing System

2022 IJRSE – Volume 11 Issue 11
Special IJRSE Luminary Issue

Available Online:  15 April 2022


Ticao, Mariz*
Silay Institute, Incorporated, Philippines (

Sacares, Kerby Kuno
Silay Institute, Incorporated, Philippines


The National Writing System Act also known as the House Bill no. 1022 authored by Leopoldo Bataoil (2018), seeks to declare Baybayin as the Philippines’ national writing system, generating greater awareness on the plight of Baybayin and foster wider appreciation on its importance and beauty. The researchers of the study surveyed 167 students under Humanities and Social Sciences from Silay Institute. The findings of the study regarding the perception of the respondents about Baybayin are as follows: a mean score of 3.89 which is interpreted as high in using Baybayin academically. Moreover, when used in the society it got a mean score of 3.82 which is also interpreted as high. The researchers based the results from the p value or significant level in interpreting the data from ANOVA. The results show that there is no significant difference in the perception of the respondents in using academically when taken as a whole and according to sex and grade level, as well as, when use of the society when taken as a whole or according to sex. However, there is a significant difference when Baybayin is used in the society according to grade level.

Keywords: Baybayin, humanities and social sciences, Silay City



Cite this article:
Ticao, M., & Sacares, K. K. (2022). The perception of HumSS on the inclusion of Baybayin as National Writing System. International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 11(11), 65-71.

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