2022 IJRSE – Volume 11 Issue 9
Special IJRSE Luminary Issue
Available Online: 15 April 2022
Tallungan, Jenifer Raymond R.*
Nueva Vizcaya State University, Philippines (jenz2319@gmail.com)
Basconcillo, Eva Liza D.
Nueva Vizcaya State University, Philippines (11evalizabasconcillo@gmail.com)
This study aimed at ascertaining the correlation of the patterns used in the leads and heads of model news articles, outputs of the news writers of the official publication of a state university in Nueva Vizcaya, and outputs of student writers in an annual convergence of student scribes in Region 2. After using Systemic Functional Linguistics in the analysis of 30 news articles, it was unveiled that the most common pattern used among news heads and leads understudy was Participant1-Process-Participant2 and the most commonly used placement for a circumstance was at the end of the sentence. Further, the most common function assumed by a participant is being an actor, the most commonly used process is material, and the most commonly used circumstance is location. It was also disclosed that there is a significant relationship between the functional patterns used by the three sources of the news articles. With these salient findings, better perspectives are prompted as to the use of functional language in many facets of the school and society. The findings shall serve as learning points for student writers, student leaders, language mentors, paper advisers, and those who prepare narrative reports that follow the structure of news.
Keywords: comparative structural analysis, news heads, news leads, patterns, Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL)
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2022.831
Cite this article:
Tallungan, J. R. R., & Basconcillo, E. L. D. (2022). Comparative structural analysis of news heads and leads using systemic functional linguistics (SFL). International Journal of Research Studies in Education, 11(9), 109-120. https://doi.org/10.5861/ijrse.2022.831
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